A simple way to begin incorporating Cacao into your daily life is by adding it into your meditation practice. If you don’t already have a meditation practice, Cacao can be a beautiful way to inspire it. Drinking a cup of ceremonial Cacao (preferably 30g to be exact) before meditating has the potential to help you settle into the practice deeper. Cacao is rich in magnesium, which helps calm the muscles and joints. The stillness brought on by this can support mental clarity, emotional regulation, and general wellbeing.

The stable, long-lasting energy of ceremonial Cacao can be of great aid to a yoga practice. Cacao works to get your blood pumping through its action on the heart muscle, and lends itself especially well to heart-opening yogic exercises.
Another great pairing for Cacao is journaling. Taking time to reflect on your day while writing out your thoughts and feelings allows you to make more space for new sensations to arrive. Journaling can be a way to acknowledge and release patterns or programming that may no longer serve you and make space for more beauty to come. When you drink a cup of Cacao before you begin writing, it can prime you to explore the subconscious mind from the perspective of unconditional love, allowing you to have compassion for yourself when in reflection. From this place of healing, you may better receive clarity of what it is you would like to create moving forward.
Adding Cacao to a movement ritual is a great way to promote health. The type of movement can range from walking, stretching, swimming, yoga, dance, and much more. There is no wrong way to move! Just listen to your body, trust in what feels good, and explore the sensation of embodiment.

Creative Play
With Theobroma Cacao being known as the “mother” within the plant world, we then become the children. Working with Cacao provides the opportunity for us to connect with our inner child—to explore our creative expression from a place of curiosity, leaving behind the energy of judgment. It allows us to see the world through a different lens. Setting aside some time to delve into creativity while drinking Cacao opens pathways to transformation. Cacao unlocks our creativity, sometimes providing inspiration or an “aha!” moment to birth new art, music, paintings, poems, etc. Best of all, it allows us to create from a place of love.
Want to know how to fuel these rituals? Check out our recipes page for ideas!